15.3 Visual Magnocellular System (John Stein) |
| "The Magnocellular Theory of Developmental Dyslexia: At first sight, reduced sensitivity to visual motion may seem to have nothing to do with reading. But it indicates reduced sensitivity of the visual magno- celluar system. A total of 10% of the ganglion cells whose axons provide the signals that pass from the eye to the rest of the brain are noticeably larger (magno — larger in Latin) than the remainder (parvo — smaller in Latin) (Enroth-Kugel and Robson, 1969; Shapley and Perry, 1986). This means that they gather light from a larger area so that they are more sensitive and faster…" |  | Source: Pdf - The Magnocellular Theory of Developmental Dyslexia link pdf DYSLEXIA 7: 12 – 36 (2001) - OI: 10.1002/dys.186 - Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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