12.2 Dyslexics and Image Processing / Reading |
| Dyslexia is a complex matter, there are many elements that build up the reading and writing process. One of them is our visual system, people who have a smaler LGN can experience difficulties getting grip on text and therefore have trouble engaging in the flow of reading. (see: 5.2 Visual Grid and the Origin of Patterns in V1) A weaker 'visual grid' can have in combination with different levels of visual-masking different implications: - Small masking region: Less alignment and a broad peripheral view relevant to the focus
distance for reading text (detail). This enhances the lack of grip and shifting dominance giving a Blurred view.

|  | 1. Dyslexics with Blur (Db) |
| 2. Dyslexics with Gap (Dg) | | | Step I - Point: Instead of clearly focusing on a point and move on to the next point, this type of dyslexic will easier shift focus between detail and global, and end up in the "blur-zone" instead of moving on to the next point. | Step I - Point: To avoid the gap in his/her view this type of dyslexic has to focus more with one eye, choosing between global or detail. The extra focus will keep him from moving on to the next point.
|  |  | | | Step II - Letter: Instead of going from point to point understanding the clear patterns, he needs more time to find grip, and doesn't move automaticly on to the next letter. | Step II - Letter: A dyslectic with gap, who strongly focusses on details, makes shorter steps, having smaller and more patterns not easely making the step on to the next lettter. |  |  | | | Step II - Word: Here again the lack of a strong visual grid gives him to little grip on vertical an horizontal elements. It will cause his focus to shift oncontrolled from vague detail to global, not having grip and understanding of the patterns. | Step II - Word: Suppressing his global view to avoid the gap will keep him from finding and moving on to the next letter, and flowing naturaly in combining detail and global.
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| | Step II - Reading: To avoid all the overactivity in contrast to normal readers who have a clear grip and natural flow, a dyslexic with gap has to take different approach by concentrating in a different way such as volumetric way. | Step II - Reading: A dyslectic with gap needs more time to move on from one word to the other, because he focuses to long on the global word or a detail. A more relaxing approach and less sharply-focusing will give him the ability to start to flow over the text. |
|  | Why Volumetric? The input
from touching and stroking a subject is well separated: left- or right
hand, thumb or finger-tips. As a child we have developed a clear
sense dominance, a good base to link information to. | | [ Next : 12.3 Tables / Flow charts ]
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