Intro arrow 12. Reading arrow 12.1 Normal
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11. Genetic Etiology
12. Reading
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14. Conclusion / Solution
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16. Peace of Mind
12.1 Normal image processing / Reading

To understand reading we have to know how the interaction between our brain-halfs works:

 One side of the brain thinks and sees in wide-angle while the other zooms in on the detail. (see : 0.1 Left and Right Brain: function & interaction)

Researchers have come to see the distinction between the two hemispheres as a subtle one of processing style, with every mental faculty shared across the brain, and each side contributing in a complementary, not exclusive, fashion. A smart brain became one that simultaneously grasped both the foreground and the background of the moment.

  • Left hemisphere: Focuses on detail.
  • Right hemisphere: Concentrates on the broad, background picture.

When it comes to reading: 1. The right eye sees a point (detail) and the left eye sees the relation to a line (global), 2. The right eye sees this line and the left eye sees it's relation to a letter, 3. The right eye sees the letter and the left eye sees the relation to a word, and finaly we read a whole sentence. Our eyes constantly combine detail and global.



A Point is the smallest visual element we can see. To quickly process interconected points, and points that form a shape, our brain has a system that recognises patterns and it also has developed speech to use words to define standarised shapes.

A Pattern is build up out of different steps creating a natural flow: point -> line  -> letter  -> word -> sentence -> text

Different parameters help to define the pattern:

start point, end point, visual steps, time, path, …
Step 1 - Pattern: Our brain has to understand the concept of an element, by seeing its parts, forms, and other details, so it can cross-over from something abstract into a predefined pattern.
Step 2 - Letter: We see and learn that joined patterns become to have a meaning, and there is a specific sound connected to that visual pattern. Step 3 - Word: Combined letters/sounds become to have a global meaning.
Step 3 - Sentence: A flow of words from kapital to point, becomes a tool to express ourselves but stil defined by the patterns of grammar.  Step 3 - Text: Reading is a linear rythmic process, where every sentence contains words with letters who have vertical hold-ons, to keep us 'in-line'. See topic: 5.2 Visual Grid and the Origin of Patterns in V1.

[ Next : 12.2 Dyslexics and Image Processing / Reading ]


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