14.2 Physical & Psychological effects of adjustment of peripheral view. |
| The differences between a sensitive-peripheral-view l (Dyslexia) and balanced peripheral view: |
| Over-sensitive-peripheral view | | Balanced peripheral view
| 1
| Less visual Grip, blurred view when trying to read. | 1 | Grip, alignment with horizontal and vertical elements in environment (visual grid) clear view.
| 2
| Global view, less steady alignment based view, less grip causes less eye for detail. | 2
| Sharp focus, the ability to focus more, zoom-in on details reduce the global vs details. | 3
| Balance shifts between left- & right brain.
| 3
| Balance view. | 4
| Touches of the environment instead of looking sharply.
| 4 | Looking, following lines and directions. | 5
| More focused on hearing.
| 5 | Concentration on visual things less on listening. | 6
| A more global vision, is reflected in a 3-dimensional modeling way of thinking, forms, shapes.
| 6
| A linear way of information stream in our brain, more depth, no visual confusion. | 7
| Abstract thinking, colors are more noticed than lines.
| 7
| Grip gives the ability to make precise and refined visual steps from one element to the other. | 8
| Tendency to gaze, dream.
| 8
| More balanced brain gives more balance to listen to details. |
|  | 
Having a stronger Visual Grid, by peripheral-view reduction,
changes the visual-input-stream and influences how the brain works. A
clearer input stream from the Primary Visual Cortex
in the back of the brain on to the frontal processing areas, gives a
more precise way of seeing
and can speed up visual processing. Physically one can hold his/her head in a different way as he/she has more visual grip on his/her surroundings.
It can also result in a more
sense of visual control, for older dyslexics this can lead to a
reduction of visual stress activating the hippocampus, changing
serotonin levels and leading to a mild form of euforia. This 'new view' can conflict with the way someone is used to see; a clear sharp-view vs. the old stessed vague-sensitive-touching way of seeing, it can even cause a shift in visual dominance. see topics: 5.2 Visual Grid and the Origin of Patterns in V1 and 0.4 Shifting Dominance and Dyslexia
| The reduction of peripheral view can also have a negative effect: High amounts of visual stress may have left a mark on different parts of
the brain such as the Hippocampus. As a result of reducing the Visual Stess, they can experience a higher production of serotonin, this fluctuation of serotonin can cause euforia but lead after some time to headaches or other psychological effects, so one has to be carefull. Headaches can also be caused by staring to long because on has grip, this resembled a bit to "Holding" a
term that Ronald Davis uses in his theory (see topic : 15.6 The Gift of Dyslexia), he suggest to just let your
eyes move freely (relax) and run along with the text-line and this
seems to help. |  | See also topic : 16. Peace of Mind
|  |